
Foods To Reverse Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a build up of cholesterol plaque in the walls of arteries causing obstruction of blood flow. If an artery feeding the heart or brain is significantly occluded then oxygen rich blood has difficulty reaching those tissues potentiating the likelihood of heart attack or stroke, respectively.
The development of atherosclerosis begins in childhood and may be exacerbated via lifestyle, poor nutrition and/or the lack of a regular exercise program. Combined with arteriosclerosis (rigid arteries) that comes with aging, atherosclerosis may advance significantly as the years go by leading to an occlusion of the blood vessel. The consequences of an occluded artery may ultimately result in death.

6 Exercises To Build A Better Booty
Tight buns have become the trendiest body part to attain over the past decade. For the last several years women have been flaunting their "assets" all over social media. We can probably thank JLo, Beyoncé and the Kardashians for making more “pronounced” butts more mainstream. Working to get bigger, tighter and shapelier gluteal muscles (aka glutes) is great, especially for those who desire a more developed backside.
However, besides attaining the desired aesthetic, there is a very significant physical benefit to developing the glutes: the mitigation of low back pain.
In this age of technology where many of us are seated at a desk or fixated on our portable devices for hours, or out behind the wheel all day, muscular imbalances are being created in the body’s trunk. These imbalances are influenced by shortening of the front-chain muscles (i.e. hip flexors) and lengthening of the back-chain muscles (i.e. the glutes). This type of imbalance can lead to

5 Types Of Foods To Improve Your Gut
A tremendously overlooked area of the body responsible for maintaining good overall health and wellness is the gastrointestinal tract (aka gut). A healthy gut is far more important to our health than most people realize. With the abundance and affordability of processed foods it's just a matter of time before the digestive tract begins to falter leading to a plethora of health issues.
There are trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms (microbiota, collectively) that inhabit the human digestive tract (mostly in the colon), referred to as the microbiome. It is natural for these microbiota to reside there. These microbiota are a very diverse array of beneficial bacteria that serve a valuable purpose of maintaining our health and wellness. We could not survive long without them.
As certain foods, especially those indigestible to humans, pass through the gut they come in contact with the microbiota which feed on these food remnants. The microbiota produce various compounds that are then serviceable to the body. Expanding the diversity of the microbiota is essential to increasing the potential health benefits.

Hydration Tips For Summer Outdoor Activities
Summer weather is here in AZ which means it is going to be HOT HOT HOT!!!
So, if you plan to venture out on hiking trails and/or participating in outdoor activities (softball, soccer, boot camp) here in this heat you're going to need to prepare before you go.
Hydration is pinnacle!
To ensure safety it is imperative that you begin hydrating prior to your activity. Then, be sure to have plenty of fluids during the activity/event. Finally, rehydrate and recover once you've finished to avoid heat exhaustion or, even worse, heat stroke.
Here are some tips for hydrating your body before, during and after your next outdoor activity:

Clean Fifteen
Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) produces a list of the Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen. These lists refer to the relative safety and risks of pesticide residue on fruits and vegetables.
The lists are based on studies and data compiled by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) "to identify which fruits and vegetables are most and least contaminated with pesticide residues."
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the protocols to applying pesticides properly to crops.
If you are concerned about a particular fruit or vegetable's exposure to pesticides opt for organic produce instead. Look for this label:

The Dirty Dozen
Each year since 2004 the non-profit organization The Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes a list of fruits & vegetables - known as the Dirty Dozen - shown to contain elevated levels of pesticides. This list is determined by experts at EWG based on data collected by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). It is noteworthy that the data reflects pesticide levels after fruits & vegetables are washed.
The Dirty Dozen list is meant to be a guide when shopping for produce. These items tend to have the most residue from pesticides when grown conventionally due to their irresistibility to bugs.
Below is this year’s Dirty Dozen list.

Simple Tips To Reverse Osteoporosis
according to a meta-analysis study published in the Journal of Clinical Medical Research in 2017, women start losing bone at an earlier age and at a faster rate than men.
Women ≥ 50 years of age have a four times higher rate of osteoporosis and a two times higher rate of osteopenia, and they tend to have fractures 5 - 10 years earlier compared with men.
Fortunately, the consequences of osteoporosis can be reversed with a few simple alterations to diet and lifestyle.

6 Ways To ‘Pandemic-Proof’ Your Immune System!
flu season is right around the corner. Along with the unrelenting coronavirus pandemic already wreaking havoc on the world the stage is set for a potential pathological assault on our bodies.
As safeguards to prevent infection of these harmful viruses the CDC recommends 6 feet of physical distance, face masks, frequent hand-washing, disinfection of commonly used surfaces several times throughout the day and a host of general safety precautions.
These are formidable measures to keep us safe, at least until a vaccine is discovered. However, there is always a chance of breakdown in the application of these preventive measures.
If that happens it'll be up to our immune system to fight off these pathogens.
So, how can we build up our immune system?
Follow the tips below to give your immune system the reinforcements it needs to do battle - and win! - against these nasty invaders.

5 Wellness Tips For Working From Home
I have outlined a few fitness tips for those who are working from home under quarantine seated in front of a computer screen.
Sitting for an extended amount of time can - and will - wreak havoc on the body. Issues such as low back pain, neck tightness, poor posture, carpel tunnel and cardiovascular complications can arise from sitting and working at a computer for too long each day.
So here are five tips to help you offset some of the detrimental effects from sitting in front of a computer all day

4 Physiological Effects Exercise Has On Your Muscles
Exercise influences the muscles to adapt to the type of work performed. There are four important physiological effects that exercise has on skeletal muscle when performed consistently over a period if time. The four adaptations of exercise are: reinforced muscle density, enhanced muscular force (strength), improved muscular endurance and increased blood flow.
Here's a basic overview of musculoskeletal anatomy. Muscles consist of strands of protein-based fibers designed to contract (shorten) and extend (lengthen). They are attached to tendons - fibrous connective tissue - that adhere to bones across a joint. Therefore, the job of a muscle is to shorten and lengthen the angle of a joint.
During a workout, whether cardio or resistance training, muscles are required to exert a certain amount of force in order to perform the movement. That amount force will dictate how the muscle 'responds' to the work.

10 Superfoods That Should Be In Your regular Diet
Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as, potassium (necessary for heart health), folate (helps tissues grow and form new red blood cells) and the compound sulforaphane (helpful in fighting diabetes, cancer & osteoarthritis).

Burning Fat With HIIT
HIIT training is the best fat burning method to date.
A HIIT workout utilizes timed intervals of work and rest. A variety of intervals can be used, however the most effective is the Tabata method of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds.
It's best to choose a multi joint exercise like a squat push press or standing cable row to work several muscle groups at once. Muscles require energy to contract. Thus, the more muscles used, the more energy burned.
Choose a weight that is roughly 65% of your. . .

Women and Weight Training
Contrary to popular belief women will not get ‘bulky’ from lifting weights. In fact, since women only produce about 1/10th of the testosterone as men (a key component for bigger muscles), there is minimal risk of building massive muscles in the short term.

When and What to Eat After a Workout
Nutrient timing (what to eat and when to eat) is extremely important for refueling and repairing the body after a workout. Research suggests that the best time to ingest a post-exercise meal to achieve optimal recovery is

Tips for Hydrating Your Body Before During and After Your Next Outdoor Activity
To ensure safety it is imperative that you begin hydrating prior to your activity. . .