5 Wellness Tips For Working From Home
I recently joined Sally Harrison, president of the Mesa Chamber of Commerce, for a webinar on Health & Fitness at Home.
As per our discussion I have outlined a few fitness tips for those who are working from home under quarantine seated in front of a computer screen.
Sitting for an extended amount of time can - and will - wreak havoc on the body. Issues such as low back pain, neck tightness, poor posture, carpel tunnel and cardiovascular complications can arise from sitting and working at a computer for too long each day.
So here are five tips to help you offset some of the detrimental effects from sitting in front of a computer all day.
Tip #1: Posture
* Be sure to sit up tall in your chair. (Imagine a string running through the top of your head attached to your spine, and pull upward!)
* Keep your shoulders pulled back and relaxed downward.
* Screen should be at eye-level.
* Elbows should be directly below the shoulders and bent 90°.
* Knees even with or slightly below the hips.
* Feet flat on the floor.
* - Sitting on a stability ball is a great way for maintaining good posture and improving balance.
Tip #2: Get up!
* Stand up and walk around.
* Set a timer and force yourself to get up.
* Stand/walk 10 minutes for every hour of sitting.
* - Getting up and moving around helps with circulation and provides a boost of energy.
Tip #3: Neck & shoulder stretches
- Stretch #1
* Sit up tall
* Tilt head upward slightly.
* Rotate head to the opposite side of the tight neck muscles.
* Hold for 5 to 10 seconds.
* Perform on each side.
- Stretch #2
* Place palm on head behind opposite ear.
* Gently pull head forward and to the side (side of the pulling arm).
* Hold for 5 to 10 seconds.
* Perform on each side.
Tip #4: Hip flexor stretch
- Option 1
* Stand up tall
* Step one foot behind the other 8 to 12 inches.
* Keep chest up and maintain good posture.
* Keep feet in place and gently shift pelvis forward.
* Engage glutes (your rear end) to pull on pelvis.
* Focus on the front aspect of hip joint of the back leg.
* Hold stretch for 10 to 15 seconds.
* Perform on each side and repeat once more.
- Option #2
* Kneel down onto one knee with other leg out front.
* Begin with hip stacked above kneeling knee.
* For opposite leg heel should be just in front of knee cap.
* Gently shift pelvis forward focusing on front aspect of hip joint of the kneeling leg.
* Maintain proper posture and keep chest up tall.
* Enhance stretch by raising arm above head (kneeling side).
* Hold 10 to 15 seconds.
* Perform on each side and repeat once more.
Tip #5: Self Massage and Trigger Point Therapy
- Forearm tightness
* Use a tennis ball, small dumbbell or rolling pin
* Place center of forearm on the 'roller.'
* Press forearm into roller with bearable pressure.
* Roll forearm back & forth in linear motion.
* Apply more pressure as muscles begin to loosen.
* Flip arm over and repeat on the top side of forearm.
- Shoulder tightness
* Stand vertical against a wall.
* Place tennis ball on back of trapezius muscles (aka 'Traps'; muscle that reaches from base of neck to shoulder blade).
* Target the tightest area.
* Pinch the tennis ball between the muscles and the wall.
* Press as hard as you can bear.
* Hold, if possible, until it starts to release.
* Move your shoulder to create small circles expanding the massage area.
* Continue until tightness subsides.
Also, discussed were some of the underrated benefits of exercise, and the introduction of Active Bodies Virtual Programs. You can view the webinar in its entirety here.
Hope you find these suggestions helpful in avoiding pain associated with bad posture and long periods of sitting. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding this topic.
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