You’ve Found Your New Gym Here At
Active Bodies
Join Us on Thursday, June 11th @6pm
Active Bodies is a fitness studio that offers small group cross-training classes and customized personal training. Both services provide an expert instructor to ensure safety and effectiveness during your workout. There's no guesswork on your part. We carefully design the programs to give you a safe and effective workout. We'll guide you, coach you, encourage you and support you every step of the way. All you have to do is show up and get ready for a great workout!
⋅ ALL Fitness Levels Welcome
⋅ Friendly & Encouraging Atmosphere
⋅ Coaching To Ensure Proper Form
⋅ A Fun & Fantastic Fitness Experience
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“I personally enjoy the HIFI sessions. The workouts are fun and challenging. After a workout I feel a sense of accomplishment and amazed of what I’ve just done. I highly recommend Active Bodies.”